List of Virscend Faculty
Mohamed Abdelhamid 博士 – 管理科学与系统博士
Abdelhamid 博士以优异的成绩从 Intercollege 获得计算机工程理学学士学位。他在荷兰马斯特里赫特管理学院获得工商管理硕士学位,重点是 MIS。而且,他已经获得了博士学位。 n 纽约州立大学布法罗分校的管理科学与系统。 Abdelhamid 博士在期刊和书籍上发表过文章。他曾在各种会议上就与医疗保健行业的信息管理系统相关的隐私问题发表演讲。

Banafsheh Behzad 博士 – 工业工程博士
Behzad 博士是决策技术和统计学教授。她在北伊利诺伊大学获得工业和系统工程理学硕士学位。并且,获得了她的博士学位。伊利诺伊大学厄巴纳-香槟分校工业工程专业。她在学术期刊上发表了无数的文章,并参与了与她所掌握的领域有关的医疗保健主题的演讲。此外,她还是 OR/MS (WORMS) 女性沟通副总裁。

Dr. Minder Chen – Ph.D., MIS
Courses Taught: MBA 500 Management Information Systems, MBA 650 Project Management
Dr. Minder Chen received his Ph.D. in Management Information Systems from the University of Arizona in 1988. Dr. Chen is currently a professor of Management Information Systems in the Martin V. Smith School of Business and Economics at California State University Channel Islands. He served as the Program Chair of the Business and Economics Program at CSUCI. He was previously an associate professor of Decision Science and MIS at George Mason University. He served as an Area Coordinator of the Information Systems and Operations Management area and the Director of the Executive Master Program in Technology Management at GMU. Dr. Chen has taught a variety of courses including management information systems, entrepreneurship, project management, management, and Chinese classics and management at both undergraduate and graduate levels. His primary research interests include electronic commerce, Web services, business reengineering, innovation and entrepreneurship, collaboration technologies and virtual teams, and IT offshore outsourcing. He has published more than 40 journal papers in journals such as Journal of Management Information Systems, Decision Support Systems, Journal of Electronic Commerce Research, etc. He has also published several books in Chinese in areas such as The Book of Changes and Management, Creativity, Management Information Systems, and Lean Interactive Startup.

Robert Chi 博士 - 博士,MIS
Chi 博士在威斯康星大学麦迪逊分校获得管理信息系统硕士学位。他获得了博士学位。德克萨斯大学奥斯汀分校信息系统学位。他在加州州立大学长滩分校、加州大学河滨分校等学校拥有29年的教学经验。 Chi 博士在 CSU-Long Beach 担任了 6 年的系主任和 5 年的副院长。他是许多顾问委员会的成员,并经常在美国和国外发表演讲。他在电子商务和信息系统的学术期刊上发表了研究文章。他是《电子商务研究杂志》的创始人和主编,该杂志在 2002 年被全球 400 多位学者评为质量第 4 位。

Sean Jasso 博士,政治学博士
Jasso 博士是管理策略学教授。他在加州大学洛杉矶分校获得英语文学学士学位。他拥有佩珀代因大学的工商管理硕士学位和克莱蒙特大学的公共政策硕士学位。他还获得了博士学位。克莱蒙特大学政治学博士。他曾在包括雷德兰兹大学和洛杉矶皮尔斯学院在内的多所大学任教。他有几本出版物,包括他撰写的一本书《新公司:亚里士多德、萨班斯-奥克斯利法案》和《未来经理》。他还拥有行业经验,并在各种业务中担任过领导职务。

Dr. Maria Lee – Ph.D., Computer Science and Engineering
Courses Taught: MBA 500 Management Information Systems
Maria R. Lee is the President of Hylove Business Inc in Taiwan. She obtained her PhD in Computer Science and Engineering from the University of New South Wales, Australia. Lee's extensive career spans teaching at the College of Management at Western Sydney University's Vietnam Campus and in the departments of Law and Information Technology and Management at Shih Chien University, Taiwan. She has held leadership roles as Dean of the College of Management and Director of the R&D office at Shih Chien University. Additionally, she has worked as a Research Scientist at CSIRO in Sydney. Lee's research focuses on artificial intelligence, big data analytics, and neuroscience, particularly their innovative applications. She is an editor on the Editorial Board of IEEE IT Professional (SCI) since 2012. Lee has garnered over 18 international patents and has been deeply involved in several industry-university collaboration projects. She received the Science and Technology Innovations in Cultural Industries Award from the Ministry of Education, Taiwan, from 2018 to 2021. Her scholarly work includes extensive publications in various prestigious journals and conference proceedings.

林平博士 – 会计学博士
林博士是会计学教授。她获得了博士学位。加州大学尔湾分校会计学学位。 她的专业和研究领域是会计教育、管理绩效评估和薪酬,以及财务报告的可读性。_cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b -136bad5cf58d_ 曾在《会计文献杂志》、《内部审计师》、《会计杂志》、《伦理与公共政策》、《注册会计师杂志》等 15 种学术期刊上发表文章。

Dr. Hojong Shin – Ph.D., Finance
Courses Taught: MBA 503 Financial Management
Dr.Shin is a professor of Finance. He received his Bachelor of Science in Finance from Virginia Commonwealth University. He has a Master of Science in Business Administration from Seoul National University. He also received his Ph.D. in Finance from Michigan State University. He has taught at California State University, Long Beach and Michigan State.

Dr. Jianqing "Fisher" Wu – Ph.D., MIS
Courses Taught: MBA 601 Database Management Systems using SQL
Dr.Wu received his Ph.D. in Information Systems from Krannert School of Management, Purdue University. He was an assistant professor at Foster School of Business, University of Washington. Dr.Wu has published a paper in Management Science. He is interested in the research areas of Building, Pricing, Mobile Commerce, Information Security, Game Theory, and Convex Analysis. Dr.Wu also received his MBA degree from Purdue University and a bachelor degree in Electronic Engineering from Shanghai Jiao Tong University.