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Dr.Robert Chi's Headshot

Dr. Robert Chi received his MS degree in Management Information Systems at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. He received his Ph.D. degree in Information Systems from the University of Texas-Austin. He has 29 years of teaching experience at California State University Long Beach, University of California Riverside, and other schools. Dr. Chi has served as the Department Chair for 6 years and Associate Dean for 5 years at CSU-Long Beach. He is a member of many advisory boards and a frequent speaker in the US and abroad.

Chairman of the Board

Dr.Bruce Lee's Headshot

Dr. Bruce Lee has 25 years of industrial experience in R&D and process/customer engineering applications of materials technologies for electronic, aerospace, automotive/ceramic, and chemical industries.

Junta directiva

Mr.Steve Gramme's Hedashot

Mr. Steve Gramme is a business executive with 20 years of experience in business consulting and strategic planning for Fortune 100 global organizations in the high tech, information, legal, academic, entertainment, real estate and finance industries

Dr.Steve Hsiang's Headshot

Mr. Steve Hsiang has 20 years of marketing and technical support experience with fortune 500 company.

Virscend University School Logo

Dr. John Austin has 20 years of experience in medical practice working with a globally recognized provider.

Dr.Steve Fisher's Headshot

Dr. Steve Fisher has 25 years of experience in both higher education for recognized accredited institutions and field experience as an Accounting Consultant.

Dr. Yan Hongjia's Headshot

Dr. Yan Hongjia, Vice President of Virscend Education Company since 2018, oversees international education, preschool education, and non-subject-based tutoring services. With a Ph.D. in Mathematics from York University and extensive academic and corporate experience, she plays a key role in the company's business development and mergers & acquisitions. Dr. Yan also serves as a guest professor and mentor at multiple universities and holds leadership roles in various academic and civic organizations in Sichuan.ensive marketing, project management, and relationship development experience mostly focusing on international markets. 

Bangkai Deng' Headshot

Mr. Deng Bangkai, executive Director and COO of Virscend Education Company Limited since 2018, oversees operations, business development, and investor relations. With over 17 years of experience in accounting, financial management, and corporate governance, he was previously a Partner at Ernst & Young. He holds a bachelor’s in computer science from Shanghai University of Electric Power and a master’s in management science from the University of Hertfordshire.


Ms.Tiffanie Archie has extensive marketing, project management, and relationship development experience mostly focusing on international markets. 

Oficinas y Servicios

Oficina de Programas AcadƩmicos

AcreditaciĆ³n: logro y renovaciĆ³n de todos los esfuerzos de acreditaciĆ³n y licencia.


Plan de estudios: investigaciĆ³n y desarrollo de varios programas de grado y certificado ofrecidos por la universidad. Todos los planes de estudio acadĆ©micos que se ofrecen estĆ”n cuidadosamente diseƱados por profesores experimentados y profesionales de la industria.

Oficina de Admisiones

Admisiones: revisar los criterios de admisiĆ³n, evaluar las calificaciones de los solicitantes para todos los programas.


Mercadeo y Reclutamiento: operaciones de mercadeo y reclutamiento para promover nuestros programas, emitir I-20 y otros servicios de SEVIS



Oficina de GestiĆ³n Financiera

Servicios financieros y de contabilidad: la Oficina de administraciĆ³n financiera brinda servicios de administraciĆ³n financiera y de contabilidad a los empleados y estudiantes de la Universidad de Virscend. 

Oficina de Ɖxito Estudiantil

Asesoramiento estudiantil: asesoramiento estudiantil y retenciĆ³n y graduaciĆ³n de estudiantes.


InvestigaciĆ³n institucional: recolecta, compila y analiza datos para la investigaciĆ³n institucional y la toma de decisiones.


Registrador: servicios de registro para asegurarse de que todos los estudiantes sigan el procedimiento del plan para registrarse en los cursos 


Oficina de Operaciones

Operaciones generales: mantener y operar activos tecnolĆ³gicos y digitales fĆ­sicos de la Universidad Virscend.


Recursos humanos: contrataciĆ³n, despido, retenciĆ³n, mantenimiento de registros de promociĆ³n para todos los empleados y profesores.


TecnologĆ­a de la informaciĆ³n: administre cuentas de computadora actuales, suscripciones de software, plataforma de enseƱanza Moodle, sistema de informaciĆ³n estudiantil y servicios de biblioteca (IBIS World)

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