List of Virscend Faculty
Dr. Mohamed Abdelhamid ā Ph.D., Ciencias y Sistemas de GestiĆ³n
El Dr. Abdelhamid recibiĆ³ su Licenciatura en Ciencias en IngenierĆa InformĆ”tica de Intercollege con distinciĆ³n. RecibiĆ³ su MaestrĆa en AdministraciĆ³n de Empresas con Ć©nfasis en MIS de Maastricht School of Management en los PaĆses Bajos. Y, ha recibido su Ph.D. n Management Science & Systems de la Universidad Estatal de Nueva York en Buffalo. El Dr. Abdelhamid tiene publicaciones en revistas y libros. Se ha presentado en varias conferencias sobre temas de privacidad relacionados con los sistemas de gestiĆ³n de la informaciĆ³n en la industria de la salud.

Dr. Banafsheh Behzad ā Ph.D., IngenierĆa Industrial
El Dr. Behzad es profesor de TecnologĆas de DecisiĆ³n y EstadĆstica. RecibiĆ³ su MaestrĆa en Ciencias en IngenierĆa Industrial y de Sistemas de la Universidad del Norte de Illinois. Y, recibiĆ³ su Ph.D. en IngenierĆa Industrial de la Universidad de Illinois en Urbana-Champaign. Tiene innumerables publicaciones en revistas acadĆ©micas y ha sido parte de presentaciones sobre el tema de la atenciĆ³n mĆ©dica en lo que respecta a su campo de maestrĆa. AdemĆ”s, fue VP de Comunicaciones para Mujeres en OR/MS (WORMS).

Dr. Minder Chen – Ph.D., MIS
Courses Taught: MBA 500 Management Information Systems, MBA 650 Project Management
Dr. Minder Chen received his Ph.D. in Management Information Systems from the University of Arizona in 1988. Dr. Chen is currently a professor of Management Information Systems in the Martin V. Smith School of Business and Economics at California State University Channel Islands. He served as the Program Chair of the Business and Economics Program at CSUCI. He was previously an associate professor of Decision Science and MIS at George Mason University. He served as an Area Coordinator of the Information Systems and Operations Management area and the Director of the Executive Master Program in Technology Management at GMU. Dr. Chen has taught a variety of courses including management information systems, entrepreneurship, project management, management, and Chinese classics and management at both undergraduate and graduate levels. His primary research interests include electronic commerce, Web services, business reengineering, innovation and entrepreneurship, collaboration technologies and virtual teams, and IT offshore outsourcing. He has published more than 40 journal papers in journals such as Journal of Management Information Systems, Decision Support Systems, Journal of Electronic Commerce Research, etc. He has also published several books in Chinese in areas such as The Book of Changes and Management, Creativity, Management Information Systems, and Lean Interactive Startup.

Dr. Robert Chi - Doctorado, MIS
El Dr. Chi recibiĆ³ su maestrĆa en Sistemas de InformaciĆ³n Gerencial en la Universidad de Wisconsin-Madison. RecibiĆ³ su Ph.D. Licenciado en Sistemas de InformaciĆ³n de la Universidad de Texas-Austin. Tiene 29 aƱos de experiencia docente en la Universidad Estatal de California en Long Beach, la Universidad de California en Riverside y otras escuelas. El Dr. Chi se ha desempeƱado como presidente del departamento durante 6 aƱos y decano asociado durante 5 aƱos en CSU-Long Beach. Es miembro de muchos consejos asesores y un orador frecuente en los EE. UU. y en el extranjero. Ha publicado artĆculos de investigaciĆ³n en revistas acadĆ©micas en Comercio ElectrĆ³nico y Sistemas de InformaciĆ³n. Es el fundador y jefe de redacciĆ³n de Journal of Electronic Commerce Research, que en 2002 ocupĆ³ el puesto nĆŗmero 4 en calidad por mĆ”s de 400 acadĆ©micos de todo el mundo.

Dr. Sean Jasso- Ph.D., Ciencias PolĆticas
El Dr. Jasso es profesor de Estrategias de GestiĆ³n. RecibiĆ³ su Licenciatura en Artes en InglĆ©s de la Universidad de California, Los Ćngeles. Tiene una MaestrĆa en AdministraciĆ³n de Empresas de la Universidad de Pepperdine y una MaestrĆa en PolĆticas PĆŗblicas de la Universidad de Claremont. TambiĆ©n recibiĆ³ su Ph.D. en Ciencias PolĆticas de la Universidad de Claremont. Ha enseƱado en varias universidades, incluidas la Universidad de Redlands y Los Ćngeles Pierce College. Tiene varias publicaciones, incluido un libro de su autorĆa, The New Corporation: Aristotle, Sarbanes-Oxley, and the Future Manager. TambiĆ©n tiene experiencia en la industria y ha ocupado puestos de liderazgo en varios negocios.

Dr. Maria Lee – Ph.D., Computer Science and Engineering
Courses Taught: MBA 500 Management Information Systems
Maria R. Lee is the President of Hylove Business Inc in Taiwan. She obtained her PhD in Computer Science and Engineering from the University of New South Wales, Australia. Lee's extensive career spans teaching at the College of Management at Western Sydney University's Vietnam Campus and in the departments of Law and Information Technology and Management at Shih Chien University, Taiwan. She has held leadership roles as Dean of the College of Management and Director of the R&D office at Shih Chien University. Additionally, she has worked as a Research Scientist at CSIRO in Sydney. Lee's research focuses on artificial intelligence, big data analytics, and neuroscience, particularly their innovative applications. She is an editor on the Editorial Board of IEEE IT Professional (SCI) since 2012. Lee has garnered over 18 international patents and has been deeply involved in several industry-university collaboration projects. She received the Science and Technology Innovations in Cultural Industries Award from the Ministry of Education, Taiwan, from 2018 to 2021. Her scholarly work includes extensive publications in various prestigious journals and conference proceedings.ā

Dr. Ping Lin ā Ph.D., Contabilidad
El Dr. Lin es profesor de Contabilidad. RecibiĆ³ su Ph.D. licenciatura en contabilidad de la Universidad de California, Irvine. Sus Ć”reas de especializaciĆ³n e interĆ©s de investigaciĆ³n son la educaciĆ³n contable, la evaluaciĆ³n del desempeƱo gerencial y las compensaciones, y la legibilidad de los informes financieros._cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b -136bad5cf58d_ Ha publicado en 15 revistas acadĆ©micas, incluidas Journal of Accounting Literature, Internal Auditor, Journal of Accounting, Ethics and Public Policy y CPA Journal.

Dr. Hojong Shin – Ph.D., Finance
Courses Taught: MBA 503 Financial Management
Dr.Shin is a professor of Finance. He received his Bachelor of Science in Finance from Virginia Commonwealth University. He has a Master of Science in Business Administration from Seoul National University. He also received his Ph.D. in Finance from Michigan State University. He has taught at California State University, Long Beach and Michigan State.

Dr. Jianqing "Fisher" Wu – Ph.D., MIS
Courses Taught: MBA 601 Database Management Systems using SQL
Dr.Wu received his Ph.D. in Information Systems from Krannert School of Management, Purdue University. He was an assistant professor at Foster School of Business, University of Washington. Dr.Wu has published a paper in Management Science. He is interested in the research areas of Building, Pricing, Mobile Commerce, Information Security, Game Theory, and Convex Analysis. Dr.Wu also received his MBA degree from Purdue University and a bachelor degree in Electronic Engineering from Shanghai Jiao Tong University.