Academic Policies | Virscend University
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Academic Policies

8.1 Attendance Policy and Procedure

8.1.1 Attendance Policy 

Students are expected to attend classes regularly. Classroom participation is often one of the necessary and important requirements to learning and in many cases is essential to the educational objectives of the course. Students are required to attend more than 70% of the scheduled sessions throughout the entire program.

8.1.2 Attendance Procedure

When a student falls below 80% of attendance, they will receive a verbal warning from their instructor. When a student falls below 70% of attendance they will be placed on probation for the remainder of the program. The student will be notified of their probation status and they will be required to meet with the Academic Program Director or student advisor. Students who arrive to class more than 10 minutes after the class is scheduled to commence will receive an unexcused absence for that class period, subject to review by the instructor. 

8.2 Academic Probation

Objective: The academic probation policy aims to ensure the maintenance of academic standards and student engagement. It sets forth guidelines for students to uphold satisfactory academic progress and attendance requirements and serves as a tool for intervention and support with the ultimate goal of facilitating student progress toward graduation.

Policy Statement: Students enrolled in academic programs at Virscend University are expected to maintain a minimum cumulative Grade Point Average (GPA) of 3.0 for master's programs and 2.0 for bachelor’s programs, and attend a minimum of 70% of scheduled courses. Failure to meet these standards will result in academic probation.

Probation Criteria:

  1. Grade Point Average (GPA) Requirement: Students whose cumulative GPA falls below the program threshold at the end of any semester or term will be placed on academic probation.

  2. Attendance Requirement: Students who fail to attend a minimum of 70% of scheduled classes in any course during a semester will also be placed on academic probation.

Probation Period: Students placed on academic probation will be notified in writing by the Director of Student Success. The probation period will last for two semesters.

Expectations During Probation:

  1. Academic Support: Students on probation are strongly encouraged to seek academic support services provided by the institution, such as tutoring, study groups, or academic counseling.

  2. Attendance Improvement: Students must demonstrate a significant improvement in attendance and active participation in all classes during the probation period.

  3. Academic Progress: Students are required to actively work towards increasing their GPA to 3.0 by seeking assistance from instructors, utilizing academic resources, and actively engaging in coursework.

Consequences of Probation:

  1. Academic Advising: Students on probation will be required to meet with their academic advisor to develop a probationary plan outlining strategies for academic improvement.

  2. Loss or Relegation of Scholarship: Students on probation may lose their scholarship or have their scholarship relegated to a lower tier. 

  3. Warning Notification: Failure to meet the terms of probation may result in further disciplinary action, including suspension or dismissal from the institution.

Probation Review: At the end of each semester while on probation, the Office of Student Success will review the academic progress of the student. If the student has met the required GPA and attendance standards (>70%), they will be removed from probation status. However, if the student fails to meet the standards, further disciplinary action may be taken, including academic suspension or dismissal.

Appeals Process: Students have the right to appeal their probation status. Appeals must be submitted in writing to the Office of Student Success ( within a specified timeframe, accompanied by supporting documentation outlining extenuating circumstances.

8.3 Leave of Absence Policy and Procedure

8.3.1 Leave of Absence Policy

Students who find it necessary to take a leave from their studies due to extenuating circumstances, such as medical or emergency situations, may request a Leave of Absence through the Office of Academic Programs. It is important to note that this policy is intended for exceptional situations only, and requests for a Leave of Absence may be denied if deemed not to meet these criteria.

The Leave of Absence application will be reviewed by the Program Director. If approved, the leave is valid for one semester. Should the student require a longer leave, they must reapply when their current leave period ends. Students should be aware that if a Leave of Absence is requested, they will have to reapply for their scholarship upon return from their leave. 

8.3.2 Leave of Absence Procedure

If a student needs to request a Leave of Absence due to extenuating circumstances, they must complete and submit the Leave of Absence application online. The Program Director will review the application, and a decision will typically be made within 5 working days. The student will be notified of the outcome, whether the Leave of Absence has been approved or denied.

8.4 Incomplete Grade Policy and Procedure

8.4.1 Incomplete Grade Policy

If you cannot complete all of the assigned work for a class and there is still a possibility of earning credit, you must contact your instructor to review the possibility of receiving an Incomplete (“I”) grade. Per Virscend University Policy, an Incomplete (“I”) grade may be assigned at the discretion of the instructor when the student has successfully completed approximately two-thirds or more of the course requirements. The Incomplete grade provides students with an extended period of time to complete course requirements. The reasons for requesting an incomplete are vast, such as illness that precludes you from attending class or studying, general hardships, or family emergencies; Virscend is willing to work with students in their specific situation. You cannot re-enroll for a class with an Incomplete (“I”) grade. 


8.4.2 Incomplete Grade Procedure

To receive an Incomplete grade:

  • The student must contact their instructor to review the possibility of receiving an Incomplete grade.

  • If the instructor approves, the instructor will work with the student to complete the Incomplete Grade Form no later than 5 working days after the end of the term. The form will include the course work required to remove the Incomplete grade.

  • The student must submit their remaining assignments to the instructor, who will assign the final grade for the class.

  • The deadline for the student to complete the remaining assignments outlined in the form is one calendar year from the last day of the term in which the Incomplete grade was assigned or by the “Deadline for Completion” indicated in the form, whichever is earlier.

  • The Incomplete Grade Form will also include the “Grade Without Further Work,” which will be assigned if the student fails to complete the remaining assignments by the deadline.

  • After the student submits the remaining assignments to the instructor, the instructor will assign the final grade.


8.5 Add/Drop Policy and Procedure

8.5.1 Add/Drop Policy

  • 8.5.1a Add or drop within the first 10 working days of the semester
    • Students may add/drop course(s) within the first 10 working days of the semester without any administrative consequence. No instructor signature is required. However, the university encourages students to meet with the instructor or academic advisor to evaluate whether dropping a course is the best course of action

  • 8.5.1b Add or drop AFTER the first 10 working days and BEFORE the last 10 working days of the semester (Late add/drop)
    • A late fee will be charged for a late add/drop.

    • A late add/drop requires the acceptance and signature of the professor teaching the course as well as the Program Director.

    • A late drop will appear on transcripts as a “W”. In addition, the student will need to retake the course.

  • 8.5.1c Dropping a class within the last 10 working days of the semester 
    • Only done in special circumstances and need permission from the Program Director​

  • 8.5.1d Administrative Withdrawal
    • If a student is absent or stops showing up to classes, an instructor or administrator may withdraw a student from the course. It is the responsibility of the student to contact their instructor to notify him/her about any absence. Yet, it is at the discretion of a professor to determine whether the absence can be excused. If a student is administratively withdrawn, they will receive an F and will have to retake the course.

8.5.2 Add/Drop Procedure

  • 8.5.2a Add or drop WITHIN the first 10 working days of the semester
  • 8.5.2b Add or drop AFTER the first 10 working days and BEFORE the last 10 working days of the semester
    • Email the faculty teaching the course you wish to add or drop. You must inform the teaching faculty before submitting the form.

    • Fill out and submit the add/drop form online. The form will then be sent to the teaching faculty and the Program Director. 

    • The Office of Student Success will send you a confirmation email, typically within 5 business days of submission. 

    • Refunds are processed via the refund policy if applicable. 

  • 8.5.2c Add or drop WITHIN the last 10 working days of the semester. 
    • If you need to add or drop a class within the last 10 business days of a semester, please follow the procedure above. The process will include a special review by the Program Director will be completed to approve your add/drop request.

8.6 Student Records and Transcripts Policy and Procedure

8.6.1 Student Records and Transcripts Policy

Student records for all students are kept for ten years. Transcripts and diplomas are kept permanently. Students may inspect and review their educational records. 


8.6.2 Student Records and Transcripts Procedure

Attendance Policy
Academic Prbatieon
Leave of Absence
Incomplete Grade Policy and Procedure
Add/Drop Policy and Procedure
Student Records and Transcripts
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